Little Lighthouse Academy

Class Information
Enrichment serves children 1 to 3 years of age with no more than 10 children to a class. Two teachers teach each class. Due to the small class size, there is typically less than one year in age difference per room.
Enrichment will be offered Monday and Wednesday mornings, with Friday being an add-on for those enrolled in M/W.
Time: 8:30-11:30
For all enrollment information please contact Amanda Pennewell at or at (573) 301-2541.
Little Lighthouse Academy will follow an educationally-based curriculum. Children will be exposed to a variety of activities, experiences, learning mediums, tools, and texts to meet their individual needs. Our curriculum combines a creative, hands on, free-choice style of learning blended with a more structured, teacher-directed fashion of learning.
Our Preschool curriculum builds on the Enrichment curriculum and prepares students to continue on to pre-kindergarten the next year.
Little Lighthouse Academy will offer two preschool programs for children who will be three years of age by August 1: a M/W a.m. program OR a MWF a.m. program.
Time: 8:30-11:30
Little Lighthouse Academy will follow an educationally-based curriculum. Children will be exposed to a variety of activities, experiences, learning mediums, tools, and texts to meet their individual needs. Our curriculum combines a creative, hands on free-choice style of learning blended with a more structured, teacher-directed fashion of learning. The daily schedule works to model the structure of Kindergarten, making for a smooth transition. Our Pre-Kindergarten class takes monthly field trips, works on sight words, and even learns geography!
Little Lighthouse Academy will offer two Prekindergarten sections for children who will be four years of age by August 1: a MWF a.m. aide class
Time: 8:30-11:30
Preschool/Pre-Kindergarten Extension Class
The Preschool and Pre-K extension class will meet on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Students will cover a STEM based curriculum that focuses on hands-on learning. Students will go from their morning class to the extension class and eat lunch (packed from home) together before beginning instruction. This class will have play centers, science experiments, circle time, read-alouds, Biblical storytime, snack time, handwriting practice, literacy skills work, math practice, and more.
Time: M/W/F 11:30am-2:30pm