Prom 2023-2023


Frisbie Family

While education is incredibly important to the both of us, our children’s relationship with Christ and ability to take their faith to new levels as adults is even more important. When Jonathon and I became new parents, education was never at the forefront of our minds. During all those late night feedings, as we cared for the little one, it just seemed so far into the future. We now know those nights don’t last forever and, before we even realized, our first child was halfway through elementary school. During those years, however, it became evident that we wanted a Christ-filled education for our children as they progressed through adolescence. Our desire was to partner with a team of faith-builders, laying that same foundation at school that we are building at home. They say that every child needs at least five individuals in their lives in order to cultivate a deeper faith. Lighthouse Preparatory Academy is certainly helping us achieve that goal and more. Their incredible staff, with loving hearts and solid faith, has been nothing short of an answer to prayer. We couldn’t be more grateful for the opportunity to be a part of such a family.

Trampe Family

Homeschool had always been the back of our minds. Our daughter, Lydia, attended public school and enjoyed it, but she was not being challenged. Our introduction to Lighthouse Preparatory Academy was when we attended the Dining with Disney fundraiser in 2008. At the event, I initially noticed and was impressed with the character traits, the maturity, and the respect in the students. The Lord continued to lead us throughout the next five years to various people in various places, to parents that had children attending Lighthouse Prep. The numerous testimonies led us to arrange a visit to learn more about the school. During the visit the administrator explained it is a Christian non-denominational based school. Parent involvement was expected which is important to the student’s success. Parents were allowed and encouraged to be involved in the student’s education, are welcomed into the building and the classrooms, could come pick-up their student and take them to lunch, and be involved in the various school activities. The curriculum is biblically based, and prayer is said in the classrooms. At the closing of our visit the administrator stated, “Everyone is expected to treat one another as God would have you treat one another.” That made our decision clear. They offered what we were wanting for our family. We applied, were accepted, and Lydia started 7th grade in 2013 at Lighthouse Prep.

Next year will be Lydia’s senior year. Highlights from a student’s prospective are the Tues. & Thurs. satellite home days schedule and the one-hour lunch. The Character Ed/Small Groups are led by upper class students to discuss topics to build character and relationships. It is a great opportunity to interact with students from each grade (6-12) to get to know each other in their group of girls or group of boys. Another favorite way Lydia got to know others was attending the school activities of Homecoming and End-of-the Year Trip.

Highlights from the adult prospective – We enjoy the University-Model® structure of three days in the central classroom and two days in the satellite classroom each week, preparing Lydia for a college type schedule, and feel it is less stressful and goes by quickly. The majority of communication is done by email. If questions arise the teachers or school staff’s responses are timely and prompt from them through various methods. Some of the teachers will ask for prayer requests regularly at the beginning of class, and there can be prayer before a test. To be honest, there is challenge in the classes. There is homework, sometimes a lot, but with that it teaches discipline, time management, and growth. They have opportunities to work individually and together in a group giving them “real world” experiences.

It is an opportunity and a blessing to be a parent involved, in the window of time we have, to pour into our child. We are thankful for every staff person, teacher and the families during these few years helping our daughter develop more of a Christ-like character. The relationships that have developed and grown, the support and hugs, laughs and fun are received by both the students and the adults. We have been blessed to have had this opportunity to be led and included as one of the Lighthouse Prep Families.

Deutsch Family

LPA –a HUGE blessing to our family:  We are now beginning our seventh year with students at LPA.  We cannot recommend this school highly enough. It offers not only the highest academic teaching, Christian values and ethics, extra-curricular events that our children REALLY want to attend, but also teachers and administrators that look over the children as their own.

I would not hesitate to entrust my children to any of the faculty at LPA. Our children have been taught biblical standards and challenged to research why they believe as they do and analyze current events, so their views are really their own beliefs.  One of our children just graduated with honors and was able to get accepted to her university of first choice because she excelled in the ACT, SAT, grades and moral character. This is due greatly in part to the foundation that LPA has laid in our children’s lives.

Our second child will be a senior this year and has already had offers from the top universities in the United States (Harvard, Duke and Stanford to name only a few). We are overwhelmed at how he has scored far above the national average – and again thanks to the teachers at LPA who see their jobs as a ministry not just a job. Some may see the tuition as a barrier, but it is a sacrifice that will pay off in the long run. We have never had a problem or issue with our children (even in the teen years).  It is money well spent



Lighthouse Preparatory Academy

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